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The Shoalhaven on the NSW south coast is home to an amazing variety of birds and is a mecca for birdwatchers.
BirdLife Shoalhaven promotes a better understanding of our birds and works tirelessly to ensure their survival.

Thursday 8th February, 2024 in Sanctuary Point

BLS 2024 AGM with guest speaker Dr Jenny Pierson from the Australian Wildlife Conservancy - at St Georges Basin Country Club, 11 Paradise Beach Road, Sanctuary Point on Thursday 8 February at 7pm.

"Providing sanctuaries for Malleefowls, Gouldian Finches and other threatened birds" - a presentation by Dr Jenny Pierson, Australian Wildlife Conservancy

Jenny Pierson Our guest speaker will be Dr Jenny Pierson, a Senior Ecologist at Australian Wildlife Conservancy (AWC). Jenny will explain how AWC is working to conserve threatened birds, like Malleefowls and Gouldian Finches, at their sanctuaries across Australia.

Click to register for this free event.

Dr Jenny Pierson is a Senior Ecologist on AWC’s National Science Team, leading the Climate Change Adaptation Strategy and Conservation Genetics Program. Jenny has worked in Australia since 2010, with CSIRO, ANU, and ACT Parks and Conservation Service prior to AWC. Before this she did a PhD at University of Montana, using genetic data to understand landscape scale movement patterns.

AWC is the largest private owner and manager of land for conservation in Australia, delivering and influencing effective conservation across more than 12.9 million hectares across. The mission of AWC is the effective conservation of all Australian wildlife and their habitats.

Jenny will talk about how AWC’s research is helping in the recovery of threatened species at their sanctuaries and on partnership sites in iconic regions of Australia. She will cover their work in captive breeding, and how their ecological monitoring program, one of the largest in the country, is being used to document trends in birds on sites across the country. She will show how these innovative approaches to conservation are helping to protect several of Australia’s threatened and iconic birds, including Malleefowls, Gouldian Finches, and Purple-crowned Fairy-wrens.

And, she may also talk about woodpeckers, which was the focus of her PhD!


After Jenny’s presentation Rob Dunn, BLS President, will give a brief overview of what BLS has been doing in the past year. His talk will cover the requirements of our AGM, including approval of our 2023 financial results and appointment of the new BLS Committee.

All the BLS Committee positions need to be re-confirmed each year and we are keen to fill two new General Committee positions. If you would like to join the Committee, please contact Rob on Nominations close on 1 February.

Also, if you have any questions that you would like Rob to cover in his talk, please send him an email beforehand.

Malleefowl   Gouldian Finch
Purple-crowned Fairy Wren   Woodpecker